The Sheaffers - Church Planting in Uruguay

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pictures from the Camp

Team at Tri-Cities Airport - Vic & Jan, Wayne & Melissa, Randy, Becky, Jon, and Jerry & Brenda

Pam greets Jan and Brenda.

The team had a great opportunity to see Uruguay's Soccer Classic. Penerol won!

Team members inviting kids wherever they could find them.

The WMU...oops. The snack crew.

Vic and Sadia make new friends.

Brenda did a great job with the kids.

Kaitlyn with our record keeper - Eliza.

Our coaching staff.

Randy's was a great week.

Vic instructing kids in basketball, but more importantly, showing them the love of Christ.

Jerry and Alfredo (his translator) - both had a great heart for the kids.

Coach Wayne...need we say more.

Jan showed great love to some of the kids who had some special needs.

Paul and Jerry...what a week!

Coach Jon...along with his helpers Pablo and Julio.

The Uruguayan youth group made a huge impact on the kids of Ciudad Vieja.

Basketball Camp 2008

We had a great week, with a great team!